Monday 24 December 2018

English Essay Tips: The role of parents

Parents are the one who have the biggest affect to their children as they have the most time to spend with them

1. Allocate some quality time to spend with their children
- Parents who spend less time with their children
* No understand their situation and condition
* No know their interests and needs
- These will let conflict occur and they will feel lacking of love and make problems to get their parents’ attention.
- Likewise, they will understand their situation and condition well, they will get love form their family and they will not make problems.     
- Go for a trip and having sport activities

2. Be patience and understand their children
- During adolescence, teenager always stressed out (need to cope with problem and the changes of body) 
- Ask for freedom and flexibility in handling their life and activities
- Be patient and more open-minded in trying to understand their opinions
- They need to be give their children some measure of freedom and independence as they more towards adult 
- Understand their children well

3. Encouragement
- Encourage their children to be independent and to develop their potential and talents
- Do not force their children to study subjects they don’t like such as laws and medicine if they are not interested.
- They should only guide and encourage their children to choose a suitable field according their own interests.
Why? Effect
- Helping their children to discover their potentials and make good choices in life.
- Mould their children’s characters and personalities.

4. Role model
How? Why?
- Become good model
- Must be careful in what they do, what they say and behave (their behavior) as their children look up them as an example
Bad Example + Effect
- Parents who scream and shout at their children over small matters will end up having children with low self-esteem and who are too passive.
- When they become parents, probably they will do the same thing to their children because these habits have become innate.
Good Example + Effect
- If parents always show exemplary behavior to their children such as respect others, be polite with others and more, for sure children will take up these positive behaviors and definitely they will behave nicely just like their parents did.   
- So, this can build good character in their children.  

Hope the tips can give you a hand in writing. If you have any comment about it or have other questions, you can leave your comments or questions below. Don't forget to follow me and share! Thank you! 

*Only for reference

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