Data Dictionary
- Contains a list of all files in the database, the number of records in each file, and the names and types of each field.
- Most DMBS keep the data dictionary hidden from the users to prevent them from accidentally destroying its contents.
- Do not contain any actual data from the database, only book keeping information for managing it.
Data Manipulation Language
- One of the database languages.
- Used to access and update the existing data in database.
- Used to form a database scheme that is to create, update or delete a database schema
- Provides operations to be used in manipulating data in the database.
- Two types of DML:
Procedural Language
Non-procedural Language
- A language where users need to identify what data is needed and how the data can be accessed
- e.g. COBOL, Pascal, C etc.
- A language where users only need to know what data needed to be updated.
- Non-procedural uses fourth generation language like SQL (Structured Query Language).
Data Definition Language
- One of the database languages
- A language that enables database Administrators or users to define and create entities and relationships that are needed in the database.
- Used to define a database schema or to make changes to the existing one, but cannot be used to manipulate data
- Allows database manager or users to explain and name entities needed for the application, and the relation among the entities.
For Malay Version,
Apakah Komponen Sistem Pengurusan Pangkalan Data(DBMS)?
For Malay Version,
Apakah Komponen Sistem Pengurusan Pangkalan Data(DBMS)?
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